Pescia Romana has a story that differs greatly from that of the nearby Montalto di Castro. The latter in fact, was property of the Orsini since the fourteenth century, becoming an integral part of the Duchy of Castro.
Pescia Romana instead remained under the rule of the Apostolic Camera. Around 1820, the "Tenuta di Pescia", was entrusted to the Boncompagni, Piombino Principles, which held power in the area, until the advent of the agrarian reform.
The area was for a long time full of marshes and swamps, which led people to suffer the consequences of such a formed territory, such as the presence of malaria.
After the land reclamation and land reform, the territory of Pescia Romana became a very fertile area where, still today, there are lush crops such as tomatoes, melons and watermelons.