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The city of the water

  • Discover Nepi

    Nepi extends itself on a bluff promontory, flanked by two deep canyons carved by the Rio Puzzolo and the Rio Falisco, two tributaries of Treia.

    The territory of Nepi, among green hills and lush countryside, covers approximately 8000 hectares, most of which destined for pastures and agriculture.

    Of great interest are the "Gorges" of unspoilt environments, often described in the literary works of great artists and poets. These gorges fascinate the eye of the visitor who, enchanted, admires the almost ancestral landscape that appears in front of him/her.

    Another peculiar feature of Nepi is represented by its waterfalls formed by the great leaps that its rivers fulfill in the void of the valley.

    Among the buildings to visit, it must be included the Rocca dei Borgia, built on some Roman ruins and expanded between 1479 and 1483 by Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, although the current appearance of the castle is due to the Farnese.

    Also the aqueduct of Nepi, built in 1559, is certainly an impressive work of architecture and civil engineering.

    But Nepi is especially the city of Churches; the most famous is certainly the Duomo, of the twelfth century, as well as the church of San Biagio, which keeps inside it ancient paintings dating from the twelfth century.

  • What to see in Nepi

  • History of Nepi

    The town of Nepi was founded with the name of Nepe 548 years before the birth of Rome.

    In the Faliscan ager, at the borders with the territories of Veii and Ceres, the ancient center of Nepi stood on a tuff hill surrounded by two deep ravines within which are currently flowing the two streams Puzzolo and Falisco.

    Along with the natural defenses over the centuries were also added fortifications and Etruscan, medieval and even renaissance walls, of which today there are still visible traces. Due to its strategic position on the ancient Via Amerina, close to the impenetrable Cimina forest and the falisco/Etruscan territory, Nepi as well as its neighbor Sutri, suffered the consequences of the expansion of Rome upwards Lazio.

    Conquered by the Romans in 383 A.C. Nepi was transformed into a stronghold and became the site of the first Roman colony in falisca. It was then subject to invasions by barbarians, strife between the Goths and Byzantines, and was even destroyed by the Lombards in 569.

    After centuries of darkness, in 1131, it became a free city, the center of fighting between local noble families of the Orsini, of Vico and Colonna who were contending for its possession. It lived the period of maximum splendor under the rule of the Borgia at frist and then the Farnese.

    At the end of the fifteenth century, just under the Borgias, the fortress was built on a design by Antonio Sangallo the Elder, still visible at present and center of cultural events.

    In the sixteenth century, Pier Luigi Farnese was named Duke of Nepi; his family brought improvements to the urban structure of the city and the Rocca dei Borgia until Nepi fell under the power of the Papal States, remaining as such until the Unification of Italy.

  • Events Nepi

    • Feast of St. Anthony – Carnival Nepesino: In the second half of January Sant Antonio Abate is celebrated by the ignition of a "Focarone" (a huge bonfire) and a parade of carnival floats with many masks and fun.
    • The Palio of the Saracino: Between late May and early June, Nepi is a fun place for a feast with many gourmet events, including the opening of taverns where you can taste typical dishes of local culture. Performances by archers and knights close with a flourish this event.
    • Borgiane evenings: From early July until early September is held the event Borgian Evenings, festival of many interesting events such as theater, music, dance and much more.
    • Nepiccante:in the first of September the chili is celebrated with tasting of many deliciously spicy dishes made with international varieties of chilies.
    • Sagra del pecorino romano: In the first decade of May, you can taste the pecorino romano of Lazio along with other typical products of Tuscia, with music and other joyful events.

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  • Typical Products of Nepi

    • Pecorino Romano: great product that has its roots in the times of the ancient Romans. The PDO Pecorino Romano is a great tasty cheese, good either alone or as a sauce of typical local dishes.