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Mytuscia: the most complete website about Tuscia

Welcome to MyTuscia!!! The new website about Tuscia.

MyTuscia was born with the purpose to describe and give useful information to people interested in discovering the Tuscia, the etruscan territory around Viterbo.

The Mytuscia writers are people that lives in this area and knows deeply this zone and wants to spread his knowledge with all the visitors to improve their visit.

We will take you to discover every corner of Tuscia, what to eat, where to sleep, the most beautiful places, monuments, all the villages, the most famous celebrations and much more.

MyTuscia: discover the amazing Tuscia with us

The Tuscia territory is very ancient and covers a enormous zone.  It could be divided in three parts: 

  1. The Roman Tuscia which is the northern area of Rome
  2. The Ducal Tuscia which is the zone that goes from the northern area of Rome to Viterbo.
  3. The Lombard Tuscia which is the territory that goes from Viterbo up to the southern Tuscany.
Campagna della Tuscia

Campagna della Tuscia

Nowadays instead, Tuscia can be associated with the Viterbo provence.

Visiting this area means discovering great ancient treasures such as Orvieto in the north and the roman Tuscia in the south. This wonderful zone is particularly famous for the ancient Etruscans civilization and many of this presence can be found everywhere in the area.

Necropoli etrusca - Sutri

Necropoli etrusca - Sutri

The above picture is a amazing and beautiful proof of the Etruscans and can be see freely in the little but interesting village of Sutri.

Barbarano Romano

Barbarano Romano

Furthermore the Tuscia is a volcanic zone and, thanks to the ones that used to be the craters, is possible to see beautiful lakes that every year attract thousands of visitors.

In the next picture you can see of the jewels of Tuscia: the Vico's lake.

Lago di Vico

Lago di Vico

These are just some of the places you can visit in the Etruscan area. Other tourist attractions are the old villages where you will eat delicious food, national parks where is possible to trek, natural hot springs where you can relax.

Here in the next picture you can see one of the best typical Tuscia products the hazelnuts. But you can find many more other typical delicious things to eat such as dessert, mushrooms, olive oil, wine, chestnuts and much more.

Noccioleto della Tuscia

Noccioleto della Tuscia

Keep following us and will tell you everything about this amazing land. Where and what to eat, where to sleep, best typical celebration, where to trek, monuments to visit and above all, we will give useful tips to make your trip the best.