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The Tuscia volcanic lakes

The Tuscia territory is very large and it is possible to find very different landscapes: two mountains,  flat territories, next to the sea, tuff villages, hot springs, green woods and among these beauties you can find 4 amazing lakes.

In this article I am going to deal with all the lakes you can find in the etruscan zone.

All of the them have volcanic origins that many years ago were active.

From north to the south you can find:

  • Bolsena Lake
  • Vico lake
  • Bracciano Lake
  • Martignano lake

Let's go through each of Tuscia volcanic lakes together.

Volcanic lakes: Bolsena lake

The first one we are going to describe is Bolsena lake. This ha a great record: it is the biggest volcanic lake in Europe.

In the middle of the lake is even possible to find 2 islands: Bisentina and Martana. They are a living examples of the long volcanic activity many years ago.

Lago di Bolsena

Lago di Bolsena

You are want to visit the zone you cannot miss the the beautiful villages along the lake shore: Bolsena, Capodimonte, Marta and Montefiascone, which is the highest one. In this area do not forget to taste the well known wines Cannaiola and Est, Est, Est.

Volcanic lakes: Vico lake

Vico lake is another beautiful lake you should visit if you visit Tuscia. It's completely different because is sorrounded by green wood, low mountains and together represent Vico Natural Reserve.

There is a legend which says the Hercules was the responsible for its creation.

Lago di Vico

Lago di Vico

From the 80's this territory has been recognized as Natural Reserve and from the year on, animal and plants are strictly protected.

At the moment the Natural includes the lake, the mountains the surround it, the muds zone next to it and many woods.

Here it si possible to find a great variety of the plant and animals.

If you plan to visit the zone of Tuscia do not miss the trekking on Venere Mountain which is the most beautiful one. Another thing to not miss is an observatory along the lake where it is possible to see all the many species of bird living over here. In my opinion it is a must to see.

Volcanic lakes: Bracciano lake

The third volcanic lake of Tuscia is the Bracciano lake. This is the Romans' favorite summers holiday destination and during the last years there has been a great urbanization.

Here we are in Roman Tuscia and this is surely the most touristic lake in Tuscia. Along this beauty, here can find pretty villages like Trevignano, Anguillara, Bracciano where you can find the Orsini Castle, famous location for important public and private events.  Lago di Bracciano

Lago di Bracciano

Next to Bracciano lake there is a very interesting Nationa Park, where is possible to find a tiny lake called Martignano Lake. 

Compared with the other ones, this one is the smallest lake in Viterbo provence and there is no urbanization at all. Around it is possible to find only nature.

Lago di Martignano (Ph:

Lago di Martignano (Ph:

Even in this area is possible to taste many culinary specialties. Very appreciated is the fish can be found in this last two lakes like fish pike, lake whitefish and eel.

I suggest you to stop along the shore of Bracciano lake and try this typical food.

Anyway if you come over to visit the Tuscia territory, stopping and enjoying one of the volcanic lake is a must. All of them have some things in common but each one is different from the other.