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Visiting Canino in Tuscia: the village of olive oil

In the northern Tuscia  between Tuscany and the Tyrrhenian sea, there is the well known Canino. It can be reached with just 30 minute by car from Viterbo. This village is particularly famous for its high quality oil.

It is located in a unique location, exactly between 2 hills known as Canino hills.

During the the etruscan age, Canino was part of Vulci territory, but thereafter it was conquered by Romans, Saracens and in the end became property of the Papal State.

Nature around Canino tuscia

Nature around Canino

During the XIX century, Luciano Bonaparte, Napoleone's brother, established in this zone and he became the Canino Prince.

He was a great researcher and started studying and doing astrological researches in this zone until the 1840, when he died. A few years after, his property was sold and the collection etruscan objects he had done for many years was unfortunately lost.

Today you can find the Luciano remains in the Bonaparte chapel. In the same place you can find even the San Clemente remains, which is the Canino patron.

San Francesco Convent Canino Tuscia

San Francesco Convent

Out of the village you can visit the San Francesco Convent and the Annunziata chapel. It is said Francesco lived over here for a period of his life.

Canino and it history: the Etruscan city of Vulci.

Just a few kilometers from Canino there are ruins of the ancient Vulci. This area is full of historical finds and graves  with frescos. Furthermore, there is the beautiful Abbadia Castel, which was built in a flat area near the seaside.

Vulci bridge Canino Tuscia

Vulci bridge

Here there is the Fiora river which goes through all the territory.

In the park you can enjoy many trekking parths, where you can see both nature and a lot of history.

Canino olive oil: one of the best Tuscia products.

Canino is really famous in the whole Italy for its extra virgin olive oilThis oil has been considered D.O.P from the 1996, one of the first in Italy to get this recognition.

Canino olives Tuscia

Canino olives Tuscia

In order to have this recognition the plants must be cultivated in certain soil, which must be either volcanic or calcareous, and must be located within 450 meters of altitude.

All the olive tree groves around Canino have this previous characteristics and from them it is possible to get an amazing olive oil with a strong flavor.

In summery if you plan to visit this zone you can not avoid visiting Canino, its ruins, its, nature and you have to taste the tasty and unique oil.